Professional WordPress Plugin Development Brad Williams, Ozh Richard, Justin Tadlock ISBN: 978-0-470-91622-3 Paperback 552 pages March 2011 Shows you how to develop advanced plugins for the most popular CMS platform today, WordPress Covers plugin fundamentals, how to create and customize hooks, internationalizing your site with translation files, securing plugins, how to create customer users, and ways to lock down specific areas for use in corporate settings Delves into advanced topics, including creating widgets and metaboxes, debugging, using JavaScript and AJAX, Cron integration, custom post types, short codes, multi site functions, and working with the HTTP API Includes pointers on how to debug, profile and optimize your code, and how to market your custom plugin Learn advanced plugin techniques and extend WordPress into the corporate environment.
Professional WordPress: Design and Development, 3rd Edition Brad Williams, David Damstra, Hal Stern ISBN: 978-1-118-98724-7 504 pages December 2014 Professional WordPress is the only WordPress book targeted to developers, with advanced content that exploits the full functionality of the most popular CMS in the world. Fully updated to align with WordPress 4.1, this edition has updated examples with all new screenshots, and full exploration of additional tasks made possible by the latest tools and features. You will gain insight into real projects that currently use WordPress as an application framework, as well as the basic usage and functionality of the system from a developer's perspective. The book's key features include detailed information and real-world examples that illustrate the concepts and techniques at work, plus code downloads and examples accessible through the companion website. Written by practicing WordPress developers, the c...