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Laravel Ebook Tutorials

Code Bright
Web Application Development with The Laravel Framework version 4
For Beginners

Book Description 

This book teaches Web application development for the Laravel framework version 4 for beginners.

Code Bright is the spiritual successor to Code Happy. The framework has grown a lot in the past year, and has changed enough to merit a new title. With Code Bright I hope to improve on Code Happy with every way, my goal is, to once again, build the most comprehensive learning experience for the framework. Oh, and to still be funny. That's very important to me.

Laravel Code Bright will contain a complete learning experience for all of the frameworks features. The style of writing will make it approachable for beginners, and a wonderful reference resource for experienced developers alike.

Code Happy
Application Development With The Laravel PHP Framework For Beginners

Book Description 

The book is a guide to Laravel aimed at beginners to the framework who already have some PHP experience. It is structured in the form of guides to core features and stand-alone tutorials. It was written by a core developer of the Laravel framework, and has the support of the framework author.


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