Fundamentals Chapter -02
2.1 Print Hello BUBT.
2.2 Print your Name.
2.3 Write a program
to the Addition or unary plus/Subtraction or unary minus
Multiplication/Division/Modulo Division.
2.4 Print an integer number using printf()
2.5 Print an integer number using printf ()
function which is taken from the user.
2.6 Take input of 3 integer number using scanf
() function and calculate sum of them.
2.7 Take a character input and its
corresponding ASCII value.
2.8 Take an integer (0<N<128) input and
print its corresponding Character.
2.9 Print a floating point number using printf
() function.
Operators and Expressions Chapter
3.1 Write a program
on odd and even. (Using if else and
conditional operator.)
3.2 Find out the maximum and minimum number between three
Integer numbers.
3.3 Take a character input find out it is uppercase or lower
3.4 Take two integer number e.g. a and b as input and print “Yes”
it is a divisible by or “No” it not.
3.5 Check whether three integer numbers are equal or not.
3.6 Take Celsius temperature as input and convert into Fahrenheit
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