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In this PHP course, you will learn Advanced level PHP with CodeIgniter framework, and how to execute scripts on your server. You will also learn about MySQL, html, CSS, JavaScript. You will also learn advanced level CSS, Database Normalization & Relation of Database. After attending the course, you can develop project using PHP framework CodeIgniter with MySQL.

How participants will benefit after the course: 
After attending this course, participants will be able to develop professional dynamic website using PHP framework CodeIgniter, design database with proper documentation, and develop Online Payment Method.

Course Highlights: 
. Complete package on web development 
. Advanced JavaScript & Ajax 
. PHP framework along with documentation process 
. Client Side & Server Side Validation 
. CI Framework Reporting 
. TinyMce Editor & Searching 
. SSL, File upload & Email 
. Online Payment Method 
. Individual / Group PHP framework CodeIgniter Project

Lesson: 01 (HTML Basic & Advanced)
Introduction, Elements, Attributes, Table, List, Forms, Formatting, Styles, Image, Hyperlinks, Head, Meta, Scripts, Layout, Fonts, URL- encode and Html Web server.

Lesson: 02 (Basic CSS)
CSS Introduction, CSS Syntax, Padding, Border, Margin, Text, Font, Text, List, color, background

Lesson: 03 (Advanced CSS)
Classification, Positioning, Dimension, Media Types, Pseudo-class, Pseudo-elements.

Lesson: 04 (Basic & Advanced JavaScript)
Basic JavaScript: Introduction, Comments, Variable, Operator, Statement, Loops, and Functions, Date, Array, RegExp, Cookies, Validation, Create Object, Timing

Lesson: 05 (PHP Basic, Operators & Statement)
. About PHP & MySQL
. Advantage of using PHP for web development
. PHP Installation, PHP Syntax & PHP Variable
. PHP Operators
. Conditional Statements
--o if (...else) statement
--o Switch statements

Lesson: 06 (PHP Loop, Array, Functions, Get & Post Variable)
. Loop
--o For statement
--o Foreach statement
--o While statement
--o Do While statement

. Arrays
. PHP Functions
. Get & Post Variable
. Difference between PHP 4 & PHP 5

Lesson: 07 (File Upload, Cookie, Session)
. Date
. Include
. File
. File Upload
. Cookies
. Sessions

Lesson: 08 (Exception & Database)
. Error
. Exception
. About Database & Hierarchical Model
. Specialization, Generalization & Aggregation
. Data Normalization
. Relationships

Lesson: 09 (Database & Query)
. MySQL Introduction
. MySQL Connect & Create
. MySQL Insert & Select

Lesson: 10 (Database & Query)
. MySQL Where & Order By
. MySQL Update & Delete

Lesson: 11 (Security, Error Reporting)
. Filesystem Security
--o Database Security
--o Designing Databases
--o Connecting to Database
--o Encrypted Storage Model
--o SQL Injection

. Error Reporting

Lesson: 12 (Class/Object Functions)
. Developing a web Forum Part Two
. Class Functions
. Object Functions
. call_user_method
. get_class_methods
. get_class_vars
. get_class
. get_object_vars
. get_parent_class
. is_a
Note: Project using HTML & CSS, JavaScript,Basic PHP AND Database.

Lesson: 13 (PHP Framework)
. Advantage of using Framework
. Introducing PHP Framework (CodeIgniter)
. Lecture on PHP Framework with Example.

Lesson: 14 (MVC Pattern & Advanced Framework Templating)
. Understanding MVC Model
. Create Function In Controller Class
. Understanding Framework Templating

Lesson: 15 (Client Side & Server Side Validation)
. Implement JavaScript Client side validation
. Implement Server side Validation

Lesson: 16 (Advanced Database with Session)
. Active Record Class:
--o Selecting Data
--o Method Chaining

. Session
. Email system

Lesson: 17 (DB Normalization & Query)
. Active Record Class:
--o Deleting Data
--o Updating Data

. Database Normalization

Lesson: 18 (DB Normalization & Query)
. Database relationship
. Database Model Description

Lesson: 19 (Advanced PHP Framework)
. Basic database design concept
. Methods & Classes
. Cookie

Lesson: 20 (Advanced JavaScript & Ajax)
Advanced: Data, Array, RegExp, Cookies, Validation, Image Maps, Create Object, Timing.
Ajax basic: Introduction, Ajax request, Ajax Example, Ajax browser, Ajax XMLHttpRequest, Ajax suggest, Ajax database, Ajax XML file.
Note: Test on Database, JavaScript & Ajax.

Lesson: 21 (File Upload & Emailing)
. Understanding File Upload Class
. Understanding CodeIgniter Email Class

Lesson: 22 (TinyMce Editor & Searching)
. TinyMce Editor In Ci Framework
. Understanding database Searching

Lesson: 23 (CI Framework Reporting)
. Implementing PieChart
. Implementing VarticalBarChart

Lesson:24 (SSL And Online Payment Method)
. Lecture on secure path SSL
. PayPal Standard


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